Expert Witness Startup School


Launch and build an expert witness business in 4 weeks to quickly build another source of income while still doing what you do best – being a doctor.


Enrollment for EWSS has closed


Expert Witness Startup School

Launch and build an expert witness business in 4 weeks to quickly build another source of income while still doing what you do best – being a doctor.

Enrollment for EWSS has closed


If you’re a physician looking to start an expert witness practice to make more money and create financial security, you can do it:

✔️ in weeks (not months or years)

✔️ on YOUR schedule

✔️ with skills you already have

If you’re a physician looking to start an expert witness practice to make more money and create financial security, you can do it:

✔️ in weeks (not months or years)
✔️ on YOUR schedule
✔️ with skills you already have

Non-clinical income can be a key strategy to achieve financial freedom.


Faced with declining income and a loss of control, many physicians have tried to just work harder, take on more shifts, go faster. But there is simply a limit to how hard you can work.

Leverage your skills as a physician to help create additional financial security that you can control.

Non-clinical income can be a key strategy to achieve financial freedom.


Faced with declining income and a loss of control, many physicians have tried to just work harder, take on more shifts, go faster. But there is simply a limit to how hard you can work.

Leverage your skills as a physician to help create additional financial security that you can control.

The role of an expert witness is to determine if the care given was above or below the standard of care.


By reviewing these medical malpractice cases, you'd be tapping into the skills, experience, training, and education you already use every day in clinical work. With focused training, I'll help you translate your medical skills to the legal field.

I'll show you how to put your skills to work FOR you, by becoming an expert witness.


"Employing the strategies that [Dr. Green] recommends in the course, I've been able to gain my investment back at least threefold." 

 -Dr. Elisha Peterson, Pediatric Anesthesiologist


"Having that foundational knowledge from [Dr. Green's] course really gave me a running headstart when I was retained in my first case."

-Dr. Kelsey Flint, Cardiologist

 Expert Witness Startup School

is perfect for you if you want to...


✓  Launch and build an expert witness business

 ✓ Understand the process of case review and deposition

✓  Put your existing skills to work, in a new way

✓  Increase your income, on your own time


Leverage your skills as a physician to create financial independence on your terms.



By the end of this program,

you will be able to...

Communicate effectively from the first call to deposition/trial

Set an appropriate hourly and daily rate, track your time, send invoices

Use a contract that protects you and facilitates clear communication of expectations

Scale your business through networking and intentional marketing

Evaluate expert listing services, brokers, and other third parties

Stand out as a go-to expert in your area of clinical expertise 

"This income... has allowed me to give away most of my weekend call shifts without remorse."

-Dr. Michael K., Family Medicine Physician

What's Inside

Expert Witness Startup School


First (or 40th) Call Coaching

  • What expert witness work is and how you are already an expert
  • How to communicate effectively during a case inquiry call to facilitate being retained
  • How to capture contact information for follow up and networking to grow your business


Contract, Fee Schedule

  • Why a contract is important for clear communication
  • Which contract components to consider
  • How to set your fees and increase your hourly earning rate


CV and Qualifications

  • How to present your qualifications as an expert
  • What makes an expert CV different
  • Which qualifications are desirable in an expert


Case Organization, Time Tracking, Invoicing

  • How to organize case files for efficient file review
  • How to track your time for accurate billing
  • How to invoice and bill to make sure you get paid


Tech Tools and Tips

  • Know which equipment you need for expert work
  • How software applications can keep you organized and prepared
  • How accounting software can save you money and ease billing


Anatomy of a Case

  • Understand the typical life cycle of a medical malpractice case
  • Know the role of a physician expert at each step in a case
  • Manage your time effectively throughout a case


Deposition and Trial

  • How to prepare for a deposition and feel confident
  • What to expect during a deposition so you are not caught off guard
  • How can you learn from reading other depositions to make you a more informed expert


Marketing and Networking

  • Know if an expert listing service is right to grow your network
  • How I grew my network to 10,000+ lawyers
  • How and when I market to my network to get new cases
  • How I use marketing to define and expand my professional niches through blog posts and talks


Building an Expert Witness Business

  • Why forming an LLC for your expert witness work is important for both liability and financial reasons
  • How an LLC can enable you to save on taxes, save for retirement, and create generational wealth
  • Understand the process of setting up a business

Modules use step-by-step practical instruction to help you see your progress immediately. Templates help you get organized from the start so you are ready to grow your business from day 1.


"I would recommend Dr. Green's course to anyone interested in expert witness work and wants a better understanding of the scope of the work and what it means to be actually running your own business outside of your medical practice." 

 -Dr. Rae Gordon, Neonatologist

Meet your Expert

Gretchen Green, M.D., MMS


Gretchen Green MD MMS is a radiologist turned expert-educator-explorer who has taught hundreds of physicians and other clinicians how to launch 5- and 6-figure expert witness businesses. She also teaches radiologists to reduce their mammography malpractice risk and improve clarity and confidence, using lessons she has learned serving as an expert in over 200 medical malpractice cases, approximately 100 of which involve breast imaging.

She serves as Chair Emerita of the Space Camp Alumni Board and Secretary of the US Space and Rocket Center Foundation Board.  Dr. Green held her first teaching position as a Crew Trainer at Space Camp in Huntsville, AL, while attending college at Brown University. At Space Camp, she taught high school students to launch, fly, and land the space shuttle and is a strong supporter of both STEM and history education. Dr. Green loves taking inspiration from space travel and translating it into lessons that help her students achieve new heights of success.

In the summer of 2022, Dr. Green reached the North Pole on a Polar Class II icebreaker and teaches her students about the personal lessons she has learned throughout her personal and professional life that continue to keep her shooting for the stars.

Tech and course support: [email protected]

Content questions: [email protected]

Support at The Expert Resource Facebook Group


Meet your Expert

Gretchen Green, M.D., MMS

Gretchen Green MD MMS is a radiologist turned expert-educator-explorer who has taught hundreds of physicians and other clinicians how to launch 5- and 6-figure expert witness businesses. She also teaches radiologists to reduce their mammography malpractice risk and improve clarity and confidence, using lessons she has learned serving as an expert in over 200 medical malpractice cases, approximately 100 of which involve breast imaging.

She serves as Chair Emerita of the Space Camp Alumni Board and Secretary of the US Space and Rocket Center Foundation Board.  Dr. Green held her first teaching position as a Crew Trainer at Space Camp in Huntsville, AL, while attending college at Brown University. At Space Camp, she taught high school students to launch, fly, and land the space shuttle and is a strong supporter of both STEM and history education. Dr. Green loves taking inspiration from space travel and translating it into lessons that help her students achieve new heights of success.

In the summer of 2022, Dr. Green reached the North Pole on a Polar Class II icebreaker and teaches her students about the personal lessons she has learned throughout her personal and professional life that continue to keep her shooting for the stars.

Tech and course support: [email protected]

Content questions: [email protected]

Support at The Expert Resource Facebook Group


Oh and another very important thing,

the course paid for itself after the first case.

-Dr. Jason L., Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Find out if Expert Witness Startup School is Right for You



Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions if Expert Witness Start Up School is right for you? Email us at [email protected] and we'll help guide you based on your particular situation.


"Dr. Green was very approachable and was able to give rapid replies to any questions that arose along the way.  Your involvement with Dr. Green doesn't just end with the course, but it's a beginning of a more long-term relationship.

 -Dr. John Hipskind, Emergency Medicine

Still thinking about it but not 100% sure?

Expert Witness Startup School

is PERFECT for you if…

You are in active clinical practice (full or part-time).

You want to earn more money within days to weeks.

You want to have more control over your working hours and location.

You love learning and teaching and enjoy new challenges.

You want to build a business, with or without a formal structure.

You want to go part-time and supplement your income.


If you said “yes” to any of the above, I can’t wait to meet you inside Expert Witness Startup School.


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Expert Witness Startup School

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This course is for your informational and educational purposes only and is not legal, professional, tax, financial, medical, or psychological advice. Consult with licensed professionals regarding your individual circumstances.